When my granny was a little girl she used to have to walk 5,000 miles to get to school everyday. through freezing wind and blinding rain. I, of course, don't know I'm born and should stop complaining about a tiny two mile stroll to get to school.
If you don't want to listen to your kids complaining everyday about their over-long journey to school then you could use Parallel's Schools in England & Wales. This interactive map provides, walking, cycling and driving times for every school in England and Wales. Zoom in on any school and you can view isochrone layers showing the areas that you can walk, bike or drive to (from the school) in six minute increments.
Schools in England & Wales is just one of Parallel's interactive maps showcased on the Mapbox blog this week. The others are Flood Planning in Leeds, London Atmospheric Emissions, Output Area Classifications for City of Leeds and Ward-level Population Projections for London.

Last year Maps Mania also featured Parallel's interactive map of UK population density in 3D. Their ONS Population Estimates map shows the population density in each UK Lower Super Output Area (LSOA) and the age breakdown of the population in each LSOA.
The population density view on the map uses Mapbox GL's extrusion property to create 3D towers on the map. The height of the towers represents the population density of the LSOA. In other words the higher the tower then the greater the population density.
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