The California Department of Water Resource has carried out the most detailed survey of crops and land use ever competed in California. You can view an interactive map of the survey on Stanford University's Where California Grows its Crops.
The interactive map provides a snapshot of where different crops were grown in California in June-July 2014. Different crops are shown on the maps using different colors. For example the red color in the Salinas Valley shows the abundance of salad crops (e.g. lettuce, broccoli, peppers) grown in the valley.
A crop filter at the top of the map allows you to filter the crops shown on the map. A number of quick links are shown beneath the map which zoom and center the map on some of the state's most important agricultural areas. As well as a link to the salad crops of the Salinas Valley there are links to the California wine growing region and to the rice crops & olive crops grown in the Sacramento Valley.
Where California Grows its Crops also includes a chart which shows the number of acres given over to each type of crop grown in California. The biggest crop (in acreage) is deciduous fruits and nuts. The second biggest crop in the state is pasture (alfalfa, grasses etc). California's vineyards are the fifth biggest crop in size of acreage.
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