The USA National Phenology Network's
Phenology Visualization Tool helps monitor the influence of climate on the phenology of plants, animals, and landscapes in the U.S..
The site allows users to select a plant or animal and view where that species has been reported on a Google Map. It is then possible to view an animation of the species' phenology (phenology refers to recurring plant and animal life cycle stages) through time. If you animate the species data through time, with climate visible, you will see the climate data on the background change alongside the phenology data.

Good baristas and café owners can be hide to find, especially when you travel somewhere new.
Beanhunter is a website that can help you find great coffee wherever you go in the world.
You can search for cafés submitted and reviewed on Beanhunter on a really nicely implemented Google Map. The map includes the option to filter the cafés shown by ratings, the number of reviews and you can even order the results by rating, number of reviews and by the date of the cafés' listing.

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan has released a real-time map of radiation measurements in Fukushima Prefecture. The
Japan Radiation Monitoring Map uses Google Maps to show the radiation levels measured by monitors throughout the Fukishima Prefecture.
The measurements displayed on the map are updated every ten minutes. The map uses a marker clustering system to show how many radiation monitor measurements are available at different locations. If you click on a marker all the measurements from that point can be viewed in the map sidebar.