Here is a really cool Google Map from Belgium demolition company Jan Stallaert. The map let users submit and vote on the ugliest buildings in Belgium. Jan Stallaert promised to demolish the winning building with glee.
However Pascal Laureyn from Belgeoblog tells me that the competition didn't exactly go as planned. Instead of voting for Belgium's ugliest buildings many users just voted for the building that they most wanted to see destroyed. Popular buildings to be demolished were the Royal Palace, the headquarters of Belgium's political parties and the stadiums of a number of football teams.
This is a great first story from Google Maps Mania new Belgium contributor Belgeoblog.
Congratulations to Pascal on becoming a Google Maps Mania writer!
Don't you need permission to demolish a building? Like from the owner? The city?
Its not the kind of gift that people like to get, certainly not the gift that keeps on giving.
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