Vacances Vues du Ciel is a French hotel search site that lets you explore and compare prices of more than 100,000 hotels around the world. The site lets you search for hotels directly from a Google Map.
The map displays hotels, tourist destinations and photographs. Clicking on a destination opens an information window containing information and photographs of the location. Clicking on a hotel map marker also opens an information window with information and photographs and the option to book a room.

From the same company that produced Vacances Vues du Ciel comes Evaway, a website that lets you create and share travel itineraries in a simple, fun and visual way.
You can use the site to search for travel itineraries anywhere in the world. For example, if you are heading to Paris for the weekend you can search for tours that have already been created for the French capital. The tours that have already been created for Paris include Paris by Night, Monuments and Art Galleries. Of course, if you don't find the tour you are after, you can easily create your own.
Each itinerary includes a Google Map, highlighting all the stops on the tour and photographs of each of the planned locations. It is also possible to search each itinerary for nearby hotels and places of interest and to give it a rating.
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