Marijuana policy is a hot topic in California right now. Proposition 19, which would legalise various marijuana-related activities, is being voted on next Tuesday.
In an effort to help inform voters School-Pot Map shows the walking distances from San Francisco public schools to the nearest marijuana dispensary. For example, Marshall Elementary is only 142.2 yards from the nearest dispensary.
The marijuana dispensaries and the school locations are based on data from the San Francisco Department of Public Health and the San Francisco Unified School District.
You know what would be interesting and fair? Include the proximity of liquor stores and bodegas that sell alcohol and tobacco.
This map misrepresents the issue.
Simply because a dispensary is in close proximity to a school does mean that kids will begin to start smoking marijuana (implied by this mash-up).
To me it looks like very few of the schools are near pot dispensaries on this map. The few where they are very close are in neighborhoods where there have been plenty of serious drug addicts on the streets since well before pot dispensaries.
This is actually a really god point about putting liquor stores on the map. Especially in the bad neighborhood. ( I live in somewhat bad neighborhood, liquor stores is all we got).
Interesting map. What I get from it is that city planners should take proximity to schools into account when issuing licenses for dispensaries. Just as they shouldn't issue licenses for liquor stores next door to elementary schools. A map like this serves to keep city planners honest.
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