Monday, November 26, 2012

What's Happening on Google Maps

Google Maps applications that display upcoming events and concerts have been coming thick and fast this month. Two weeks ago Google Maps Mania reviewed HUGE city, a map that displays nearby Facebook events, and Concert Mapper, a Google Maps based application to find and book tickets for concerts, theatre or sporting events.

Now a new Google Map has been released that can help you find out what is happening nearby, using listings from Facebook events, Eventbrite, Meetup and Upcoming. uses categorised map markers to show from which listing service each event comes (using the initial letter of each service). The markers are also color-coded to show whether the listed event is happening today, tomorrow or this week.


Phillip Hullquist said...

Thanks for sharing my website. The banner image links to though instead of Can you correct that please?

Keir Clarke said...

Thanks Philip. Sorry about that. The image link is now fixed.