Al Jazerra's has created a map of the racial mix in Ferguson in an attempt to try to shine some light on the background behind the shooting of Michael Brown and the resulting protests.
St Louis, A Divided City uses 2012 census data to plot the main racial groups in each census tract area in the city. The map reveals that two of the northern tracts in Ferguson have an evenly distributed racial mix of whites and African Americans, while the tracts in the south have a far higher proportion of African Americans.
Al Jazerra claims that as '... more black residents moved in, whites in Ferguson began to move to outer suburbs'. They also say that the 'majority of law enforcement and local government officials are still white in Ferguson'.

Reddit has a live feed of news of the riots and protests in Ferguson. The Live Feed for Riot and Protest in Ferguson, MO. uses Tweets, scanner reports and other sources to provide first hand accounts of the developing situation.
The live feed is accompanied by a Google Maps Engine map of the incidents reported. The map sidebar organizes the incidents added by date. If you scroll down on the sidebar you can find the latest incidents added to the map.

City Data provides a map which allows you to explore a wealth of economic and demographic data about Ferguson. If you select a census tract on the map you can explore its demographic mix and view data on income, employment, housing and other economic indicators. The map reveals that the median household income in 2012 in Ferguson was $36,121, compared to $45,321 in Missouri as a whole.

St Louis Public Radio has created a Leaflet map of events in Ferguson, Map Of Events Relating To Michael Brown Shooting. The map plots the location of the shooting of Michael Brown and some of the resulting events in the city.
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