Der Tagesspiegel has created an interactive map which allows you to compare how Berlin looks today with how it looked back in 1928. The map uses aerial imagery of Berlin taken in 1928 and 2015.
Berlin 1928 und Heute allows you to swipe back and forth between the historical aerial imagery of Berlin and aerial imagery of the city today. The map also includes a tour of some locations in the city which have seen significant change in the last one hundred years. Click on any of the small red markers on the map and you can read (in German) a description of how the area has changed. You can of course view the change for yourself by swiping between the two sets of imagery.
Some of the locations highlighted by the map include the changes around the Reichstag, Potsdamer Platz, the Spreebogen, the Berlin Tempelhof Airport and the Berlin Olympics site.
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