The Washington Post are using their TimeSpace Google Maps application to tell the story of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.
The map lets you view articles from the Washington Post on the oil spill and also view related agency and Flickr photos. The map includes a timeline that allows you to refine the map by a specific date-range.
How Big is the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill?

As of May 6th the Gulf of Mexico oil spill covered at least 2,500 square miles of ocean surface. You can see the extent of the damage on the How Big is the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill map
Using the Google Earth browser plugin you can even compare the size of the oil spill to major cities around the world. For example, in the image above you can see the oil spill laid over London. Incredibly the oil spill would stretch from Cambridge, in the north, to Brighton on the south coast.
Via: Google Earth Blog
Geocommons 72 Hour Trajectory Forecast

Geocommons have produced a Google Map showing a 72 hour trajectory forecast of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill (as of May 6th). The map shows the location of the Deep Water Horizon oil rig as well as the projected path of the oil spill.
Click on the 'details' link to view the raw data behind the trajectory.
Oil Spill Crisis Map

The Louisiana Bucket Brigade are using the Ushahidi crowdsourced crisis mapping system to visualise reports of the effects of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.
The map is designed to provide data about the impacts of the spill in real time as well as document the story of those that witness it. The map visualises reports of oil sightings, affected animals, odours, health effects and human factor impacts made by the spill.
Reports can be submitted to the map via text message, email, twitter and the web and then will show up on the Google Map of the area.
Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Map

Google's Crisis Response Team have created this Google Map to show the extent of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. The map includes a number of layers that can be selected to view on the map.
The layers include the images from NASA'a Modis and ESA's ENVISAT. You can also view an Oil Slick Overview from the U.S. Coast Guard, the current spill extent from the State of Louisiana, the observed spill from the State of Louisiana, fishing closures, locations of the booms and points of interest.
Geotagged YouTube Videos of the Oil Spill

Mibazaar has put together this Google Map that shows YouTube videos of the oil spill. There are forward and back buttons below each video which will take you to the next or previous videos.
Alternatively you can just navigate to one of the videos by clicking on its map marker.
Mibazaar also has a Tweet Map about the oil spill, so that you can keep up-to-date on the latest oil spill news from Twitter, and a Google Earth browser plugin map that lets you view the oil spill in Google Earth. The plugin map includes an overlay of the spill and lets you explore the Deepwater Horizon site under water.

A time animation of the NASA MODIS imagery provided by Earthnc.com and Gcoos.org is at http://earthnc.com/oilspill
Just see for yourself how much damage that has done! We are going to suffer tremendously with all of these.
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