Google is holding a special event in Washington DC tomorrow. The event will launch the "...newest addition to Google Earth". July 20th is the 40th anniversary of the Apollo 11 landing and the list of speakers includes Buzz Aldrin and other members of NASA. This has lead Frank Taylor of the Google Earth Blog to suggest that Google will almost certainly be unveiling a 3D Moon mode for Google Earth tomorrow.
The event is being held at the Newseum in Washington DC at 11am. Google say that "if you can make it, it would be great to see you there", so it looks like it will be an open event.
Today I found the astronaut pegman images (above) in Google's 'mapfiles' site.
Update - Astro-Pegman is now live in all Street View coverage on Google Maps.
The first two words should read "Google is", not "Google are". Since Google is a group, it is considered a singular noun, not a plural noun.
Sorry - it was very early Sunday morning when I posted this.
The 'pegman' is live in all street view views now by the looks of things. Hilarious.
Where did you get the file with the astronaut Pegman pics? It is cool to see these things in advance.
I maintain a forum about Street View in spanish, and it is very exciting to anticipate this. We actually knew something would be announced tomorrow but didn't know what. Now it is clear.
I linked to your post from our discussion at http://www.forostreetview.com/noticias-street-view-f1/google-anunciaryy-algo-el-pryximo-lunes-20-de-julio-t218.htm#408
Sorry, it is in spanish. You can use a Google Translator combo in the site.
@Street View Addict - click on the image in the post.
Earth has been conquered by Google. Now it's time for the moon.
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