Lovely is a new apartment finder application that can help you find an apartment or rental home.
The application pulls in data from the most popular listing sites on the web in real-time and the listings are up-dated about once every minute. Lovely uses a the familiar Google Maps interface to allow users to search by location, price and number of bedrooms (you can also choose to filter the results to show only those apartments that allow cats and / or dogs).
The results of an apartment search are displayed on the map with color-coded markers highlighting new and un-viewed listings. You can also set email alerts to be notified when new listings matching your filters become available.
Hi Keir thanks for featuring Lovely on your list! We put a lot of thought and effort into the user experience with our map-based apartment search, and appreciate you highlighting us!
I am not sure what happened but sometime in June Chico California got updated imagery with very nice pictures. And I mean VERY nice.
Downtown Chico California is totally redone showing it's glory especially the Esplanade blvd.
The images before the quiet update were very blurry but now it's crystal clear.
It also shows Downtown Chico in the winter time with the trees dead and people walking around in warm clothes even though it's sunny.
Useful tip Thanks
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