Scroll down the page on this map of Zurich and the bus route lines on the map magically transform into line graphs.
Zürichs Gegensätze is an interactive map which explores the demographic makeup of the population around bus-stops on two bus routes in the Swiss city of Zurich. Using this map from Tages Anzeiger you can explore population data in a 500 meter radius around each bus-stop on lines 31 and 32 in Switzerland's largest city.
The background map on Zürichs Gegensätze shows the routes of the 31 and 32 bus lines. However, as you scoll down the page, the bus lines transform into interactive line graphs showing the demographic differences around each bus-stop, such as average incomes, average age, the immigrant population, birth & death rates, male & female ratios and marriage & divorce rates. The map also reveals some of the environmental differences around each bus-stop area, such as the number of trees & green spaces and the number of bars & restaurants.
If you click on the 'schematisch' and 'geografisch' links at the top of the page you can switch between the graph and map view. When you switch between the two views the bus route polylines animate between a route line on the map and a demographic line graph. These are magic polylines.
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