Monday, May 09, 2016

The Interactive Watershed Map

FernLeaf Interactive has created an interactive map which allows you to view over 100,000 watershed regions. The map shows the topological relationships between the USGS level 12 hydrologic units for the entire United States.

The Watersheds Map allows you to visualize watershed regions throughout the USA. As you mouse-over the map it automatically updates to show upstream areas in red and downstream areas in blue. You can click on the map at anytime to freeze the map view (click on the map again to unfreeze & re-enable the dynamic loading of the watershed data).

The map also includes a dynamic URL facility. This means that you can share a watershed view highlighted on the map simply by cutting and pasting the map's current URL.

Hydro Hierarchy is a map of the largest rivers in the United States and their monthly river flows. Select a river segment on the map and you can view a chart of its 2014 monthly river flow.

The horizontal red line on the bar chart represents the ten year mean monthly flow, which means you can compare each month's river flow to its yearly average. The 2014 drought means that on a lot of river segments many of the months will be below the ten year average.

The radial chart to the left of the map is a hierarchical representation of the stream network. If you mouse over to the center of the chart you can view river terminations at the ocean or international borders.

Hydro Hierarchy only visualizes rivers and streams with a Strahler stream order classification of four or greater. Andrew Hill has created a map of all United States rivers in which the rivers are colored by the direction of flow. The U.S. Rivers Colored by the Direction they Flow map shows the colored river locations on a black background to create a visually striking map of the United States.

The map uses data from Nelson Minar's Vector River Map, which in turn uses river flow data from NHDPlus. Andrew has also used the same river data to create another beautiful map. Rivers with Rainfall. This map shows U.S. rivers and rainfall in the last hour. The rain data comes from a National Weather Service data feed.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It suck

Anonymous said...

Hey be nice

Anonymous said...

First off this is a super cool map. I am hoping to use it to teach 7th graders more about Watersheds. Now as to it's capabilities, unless it has the equipment, or mechanics, it is impossible to suck, unless there is some unknown vortex connected to it.

Anonymous said...

lol why are people being so toxic it is just a watershed map that is good for school work

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Im like so tired right now

Anonymous said...

omgoid stop talking nonsense annonymous
this map is awesome

Unknown said...

where is the watershed game???????

Anonymous said...

It is so informational I mean I Aced my project because of this map.
So everyone stop hating on it so much

Anonymous said...

I guess we here because of school lmao.

Anonymous said...

why are ya'll being mean teachers are just trying to do their job.

Unknown said...

OKAY these maps do not suck i would use these maps for teaching 6th grade about watersheds

IT DOES NOT SUCK If you said it sucks your suckers

Anonymous said...

how do we do it

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

why schoooool

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I can't really say if this map sucks or not but I just did not understand it that much

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

science class

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

this is not a map at all put a picture

Anonymous said...

A map is a picture but has tpography

Anonymous said...

it doesnt suck but is is horable it is so bad i died

Anonymous said...

It sucks

Anonymous said...

It is not good.

Anonymous said...

This fucking suks

Unknown said...

So, this is my life now. Researching water sheds bc of my science teacher.But its okay, because at least i'm not dead lol. Anyway, you probs shouldn't be hating on this cuz I mean like you can leave if you want. I mean like its totally up to you, but someone probably worked really hard to make this website so that students can learn, not so that losers can hate. So ya, i'm just saying. Also this is so coolllllll!

Unknown said...

I love maps science is amazing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🥰🎄

Unknown said...

bruh im a nerd who loves this

Unknown said...

this is not poggers

Anonymous said...

all of you need help

Anonymous said...

Mom spaghetti

Anonymous said...

school is bs<3

Anonymous said...

Yooooo this the greatest map tho

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...


you can do perfect memes with it:)

ALLIE said...


Unknown said...

ALLIE you good XD🤣

Anonymous said...

this is such susness, sussy baka!

Anonymous said...

The susness is unreal you sussy impostor!

Unknown said...

i am in knabs class anyone else ??????

Anonymous said...

reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i love FORTNITEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Unknown said...

maps are alright

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

I hate this comment section.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

HEWWOW UwU hru this was ok i didnt really understand but it was cool but all you people saying that it sucks YOU SUCK so shut the heck up

Anonymous said...

you are all idiots

Anonymous said...

Everybody just shut up

Anonymous said...

Im ready this for my 7th grade class :) its pretty interesting idk why people are being so toxic about a water sheds- like dang people really want to find any way to hate on other people.-

Unknown said...

The map is great

Anonymous said...

The map is great and it’s for learning what do expect it to be like a movie or a video game

Calvin said...

Map good.

Unknown said...

Its okay I guess but need more information

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Bro i didnt even read it and y’all say it suck….cuz it do lolll

Audrey said...

totally not me off of 15 minutes of sleep and reading all these comments bc I'm board and only had an Oreo to eat for breakfast

Anonymous said...

find the a


Unknown said...

Not FUNNNNNN!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

omg this stuff really suck bc all day and every day that i come in this class we allways do this and she not giving me time to do the work so thusday i have three thaings to do like what you want me to do

Unknown said...

Why is There only ambishus and unknown

Unknown said...

What are you guys talking about? The map is good for students.

Anonymous said...

ohhh this map is scrumillyumyumaburrburrr

yo mama said...

it is a legit fire map

Anonymous said...

WSP guys

Anonymous said...

Is there a game?

Anonymous said...

Who ate only an Oreo?

Anonymous said...

this is boring

Anonymous said...

diddy party

Anonymous said...

These comments more interesting then the fact I'm failing.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't work for me, sucks badly and its blocked by the schools administrator! so, there is no use

Anonymous said...

i am the diddler

Anonymous said...

I love GODD

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yo wsp people