If you've ever wondered where your favorite films were shot or which locations in your neighborhood have featured in the movies then you should check out these interactive maps dedicated to mapping the filming locations of blockbuster movies.
MovieTrip features a worldwide Google Map plotting the locations featured in thousands of films. Just zoom in on a location and the markers on the map will reveal the locations where movies have been shot. If you then select the marker on the map you can click through to view stills from the movie showing its various shooting locations and another map featuring all of the locations featured in your selected film.

If you've ever wanted to visit the stunning locations featured in a Game of Thrones or Lord of the Rings then you should have a look at Expedia's interactive map of the best locations seen in film and television.
World on Screen map features the shooting locations of some of your favorite films and television shows. Select a movie location on the map and you will be taken to a more detailed map featuring some of the shooting locations used in the selected film.
For example, if you click on the Cardiff marker in Wales, you can view a map of the city highlighting some of the locations which have featured in the famous BBC drama Doctor Who.
If you've wanted to purchase a product that you have seen in a movie then you can use
TheTake to help identify and purchase your coveted item. If you aren't interested in movie related products you can still use TheTake to identify the filming locations used in your favorite movies.
An interesting feature of TheTake's movie map is that you can filter the results by category. For example you can select
'Restaurants' to only view restaurants and bars which have been used as the settings in movies. Therefore, if you want to surprise your significant other, you could use TheTake to find a restaurant featured in their favorite movie and treat them to a special movie themed night out.
Filmed in San Francisco maps all the locations in San Francisco used in movies since January 2013. The map is based on all the film permits issued by the San Francisco Film Office between January 2013 and August 2015.
You can search the map by location simply by clicking on the markers on the map. Alternatively you can use the list in the map sidebar to find a film by name and then view all the San Francisco film locations used in that film on the map. Each film includes a brief note on the scene location. You can even click through to view the original filming permission issued by the San Francisco Film Office.
In the three years from 2011 to the end of 2013 there were 17,241 film scenes shot on New York's city streets. There were so many that it is probably harder to find a Manhattan street that didn't feature in at least one movie than a street that did.
Filmed in NYC Leaflet map allows you to explore which films were shot on which New York streets. You can click on the colored streets on the map to discover which films were shot on the selected street. Alternatively you can select a film from the map sidebar to discover which city streets were involved in the shooting of the film.
New York's city streets are colored on the map by the number of films that were shot there. You can therefore also use the map to discover which New York city areas are the most popular with film directors. Times Square and the Financial District both jump out on the map as being popular locations for shooting movies.