Europe's earth observation programme Copernicus has released building height data for all of Europe's major cities. Using the Urban Atlas interactive map you can view and download the building data for the capital cities of all 31 countries in the European Union and European Free Trade Association.
The building heights data on the interactive map consists of a 10 m x 10 m resolution raster layer. The building heights were derived from stereo images from Cartosat-1, a stereoscopic Earth observation satellite and the data comes from the reference year 2012. You can download the building data for each capital city in ESRI shapefile format.
One quick observation I made with the map is noticing how only a relatively small area of central London has tall buildings, especially compared with other European cities like Paris. Londoners on the whole appear to like living in two story houses rather than in apartment buildings. They also like to moan about the lack of affordable housing.
1 comment:
Londoners is a plural word. It means more than one person who lives in London.
There is no need for an apostrophe as in the article.
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