MappiMundi is a new interactive mapping platform for recording and exploring historical events in space and time. The ultimate goal of MappiMunid is to create a complete world atlas of historical events one event at a time.
Anybody can become a registered user of MappiMundi and use the platform to map out an historical event. Unregistered users can explore the interactive maps of historical events that have already been created by registered users.
A good place to start exploring the capabilities and available features of MappiMundi is the Atlas of World Territories and Battles throughout History. This project maps out major wars and territories in world history. You can use the timeline (directly under the map) to select specific dates in world history and the map automatically updates to show you country borders at the selected time and major battles that occurred in that date range. You can then click on the country / territory polygons or the battle markers to learn more about the countries or historical events.
There are a number of other interactive history mapping projects working on similar platforms. You can view some examples of these on this post on The History of the World - Part Three.
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