The worst drivers in the UK live in Somerset & Avon. A new interactive map visualizes the number of different driving offences based on the number of registered drivers in each area of the country. The map reveals that Avon and Somerset has the worst driving record overall, with nearly 200,000 offences.
The UK's Driving Offence Hotspot map shows eight different categories of driving offence, from speeding to running lights and ignoring signs. Drivers in Somerset & Avon were caught speeding more than drivers in any other area. Drivers in London were the worst offenders of driving while using the phone (not hands free) and drivers in Scotland were the worst offenders of driving carelessly. careless driving.
The UK's Driving Offence Hotspot map provides a choropleth view for each of the eight categories of driving offence. If you select a category you can then click on areas of the UK to view how they rank for that offence, the total number of drivers who were penalized for that offence and how many offences there were per 10,000 drivers.
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