The Area Deprivation Index (ADI) is a measure of neighborhood disadvantage compiled by the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. The index ranks neighborhoods based on data taken from the American Community Survey Five Year Estimates. The ten ranks in the index consider local measures of income, education, employment, and housing quality.
You can view the ADI scores at census block levels on the Neighborhood Atlas interactive map. On the map each block is colored to show its ADI rank. There are ten ranks in the ADI ranging from the least to most disadvantaged. You can click on individual blocks on the map to see in which ADI decile it ranks. If you are interested in viewing the distribution of different ADI deciles then you can hover over individual decile colors in the map legend. This will filter the map to only show the blocks in the selected decile.
Census blocks can be ranked on the map relative to the whole country or to other neighborhoods in the same state. You can switch between the state-only deciles and the national percentiles by using the menu in the map legend.
1 comment:
I'm having a hard time taking this seriously. I'm seeing a bunch of places with a 10 for most deprived right next to places with a 1 for least deprived, all in the same rich town. Nobody thinks Brookline Village in MA is deprived. Or in the Fenway, with all the new apartment buildings with sky high rents. It defies logic.
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