CASA's Map Tube has been used to visualise the number of houses in different council tax bands in London. The council tax is the name for local authority taxation in the UK.
The level of tax that citizens pay is based on the value of their homes. Band A homes are the cheapest properties and therefore pay the least in local taxation, Band H homes are the most expensive properties and the owners in Band H are required to pay more in council tax.
The Council Tax Maps overlay the number of properties in different tax bands over a map of London. The resulting choropleth maps show which areas of London have the most expensive and the cheapest houses.
One of the great features of Map Tube is that you can add different data sets to the map. This means that you can compare cost of housing in different areas in London to other data sets such as crime, drug use and health.
Check out the Map Tube search option to browse the available overlays.
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