New Amsterdam is an alternate history map of New York that I created to show how the map of New York would look in a United States of the Netherlands. It is if you will an anti Independence Day map - shamelessly ripped off from the If We Won map.
I've now added some locations to San Francisco (or as it is now known - Helige Frans). I thought that it would be a little harder to find Dutch names for San Francisco districts as the city doesn't have the same degree of Dutch influence as New York. However it turns out that a lot of San Francisco district names can be directly translated into Dutch. For example, The Tenderloin translates rather neatly into Filet van Vlees (fillet of meat).
I was helped greatly in creating the San Francisco labels by this Mapbox map of SF Building Height. This pretty map of San Francisco building height also includes a handy overlay showing San Francisco districts, many of which I just ran through Google Translate to find their Dutch translations.
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