Over the years Maps Mania has covered a lot of crime maps created all around the world. This is the first time that I've seen a map which covers the number of cases and sentencing records of judicial courts in one country.
The Russian Criminal Justice Atlas is an interactive map of the cases heard and the sentencing decisions made in 2,000 courts in the Russian Federation in the year 2009. Using the map it is possible to access data about the number of cases and the types of sentences passed at each of the mapped courts.
The size of the markers on the map represent the number of cases heard at each court. If you select a court's marker you can access the data from the respective court. This data includes information on the number of cases, the average age of defendants, the number of people given jail sentences and the average length of sentences.
The map also includes a large number of filtering tools which allow you to adjust the courts shown on the map by a range of factors. These filtering tools are grouped under the headings of Court, Convict, Status, Outcome, Sentence and Electoral.
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