The median house price in the Bellevue Hill suburb of Sydney is now $5,386,123. Five years ago the average house price was $2,963,568. 18.7% of Sydney's suburbs now have a median house price value above $2 million.
CoreLogic’s Mapping the Market interactive map can tell you the average house price in every suburb in Australia and how that price has changed over the last five years. Using the map you can discover a typical house price in each Australian neighborhood.
If you use the navigation tools in the map menu you can take a closer view of the housing market in each of Australia's major cities. For each city you can view the overall median value for houses and real estate units and how they have changed since 2012. You can also select individual suburbs on the map to view the median value of its housing market.

37.7% of Melbourne suburbs now have a median house value in excess of $1 million. As a whole the city’s median house price is $720,000. Urbis' Million-Dollar Melbourne map explores the growth of million dollar homes in the city since 1987.
The map includes a timeline slider which allows you to view the spread of Melbourne's million dollar homes. As you move the timeline the map shows areas where there have been more than three $1M+ house sales within 1km in the selected year.
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