Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Google Employees Fighting

The Google Maps street view update yesterday included an update to the roads around the Googleplex. Somehow the Google employees seem to have known that the street view car was coming.

Here is an apparent attempt at Googlecide:

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A candid shot of a surprisingly young looking ZZ Top
A street view street fight
Two Google tree dwellers
A human pyramid
Two visitors from Google Australia
A shot of Zelda.
A marriage proposal 2.0.
A declaration of love.
A fashion parade.
Another human pyramid.
And finally a very young Google intern.

All you can say really is that it is a shocking invasion of privacy.

Update: The Google Earth blog have discovered that the guy with the marriage proposal banner is a Googler named Michael Weiss-Malik, a member of the Google Geo team. He even has a website all about his wedding proposal 2.0 called Marry me, Leslie.

And who would have thought that the Google employees would prove such a draw:

- spotted by Mapperz. Perhaps Google should invest in a couple of servers :)