is a searchable Google Maps based directory of over 5,000 green and eco-friendly companies in the USA.
It is possible to search the directory by state or by specific location. It is also possible to pan the map and the businesses will load to reflect the current map view. If you know of a green business that is missing from the map you can add it to the directory by completing a short form.
SundanceChannel Eco-mmunity Map
The Eco-mmunity Map allows users to list and search for green individuals, businesses, special attractions and action points anywhere in the world.
Baltimore Green Map
Baltimore Green Map has used the map making tool,
Green Map, to map Baltimore's ecological and cultural resources. Over 250 green sites in the Baltimore region are featured on the map and it is possible to nominate other sites to be included on the map.
The map shows a number of positive citizen activities in Baltimore, such as community gardens planted, murals painted, parks’ partnerships activated, “green” schools, farmers markets, bicycle-friendly roadways; recycling centers and healthy eating venues.
Easton Urban Ecology Maps
Easton in Pennsylvania has created two green Google Maps mashups, an Urban Gardens and Urban Ecology Map and a Public Transportation and Biking Map.
The Urban Gardens and Urban Ecology Map displays community gardens, church gardens, select private gardens and other public gardens. Also included on this map are sites of interests in Easton such as restaurants, community centers, museums, and other attractions.
The Public Transportation and Biking Map identifies bike trails, pedestrian urban walking trails, greenways, parks, scenic views and by-ways, waterways, transportation facilities, and environmental amenities in Easton.
Green BrightonVegetarian and vegan restaurants, organic veg boxes, recycling centers, permaculture gardens and meditation classes in Brighton, UK.