The only exception is Israel where Google still use GISrael in Google Maps and Leaddog in the Google Maps API.
Via: Mapperz & Blumenthals
GRB 080913 - A Blast from the Past

On September 13 the Swift Satellite recorded the electromagnetic radiation of a high-energy explosion that took place 12.8 billion years ago. This is the oldest and furthest gamma ray burst ever recorded, from when the universe was only 7% of its present age.
Ogle Earth has created a Google Earth KML file containing an image overlay of the burst. You can view the file in Google Earth or you can view it in the browser based Google Sky. To view the overlay in the browser version of Google Sky right click on the kml link, copy the link location and then paste the kml link into the search box of Google Sky.
Via: Ogle Earth
NavTeq's data, at least in Austin, was much better than what is listed now. I could spend half a day reporting roads that haven't existed for five years....
Hi There - FYI - MapData Sciences data is used in Google Maps for Australia and New Zealand as well...
Same in Eastern Europe, Navteq's data not accurate...
NavTeq's data is significantly better for the UK too. Of every road issue I've reported to TeleAtlas in the last 2 years, none has been responded to or actioned.
they have dropped Navteq data, however many other sources are still used besides TeleAtlas (ie Basar, AND, LeadDog)
NavTeq was 100% accurate in my area. TeleAtlas is DANGEROUSLY inaccurate. Tons of errors - clearly no survey was done - paper streets and connections that never existed or haven't existed in 50 years. Private gated dirt roads being shown as throughfares, etc - all this in a suburban area 30 minutes from Google headquarters. Unbelievable step backwards. I can't use Google maps anymore in my area, and there are thousands of errors - I'm not entering them 1 by one one the limited tele-atlas change form. I'm moving to Yahoo Maps, which still uses Navteq here.
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