Illustreets is a handy guide to discovering information about any address in England. The site uses data from the Index of Multiple Deprivation, house prices from Nestoria, local employment and crime rates, the average travel times to the nearest amenities and local school performance rates to provide an interesting overview for any location in England.
The Illustreets Google Map can be used by anyone in England to view how their address compares to other areas in terms of deprivation, house prices, employment rates etc. Click on the map or search for a specific address and a detailed breakdown of the area is displayed beneath the map.
The map is particularly useful for people who are looking to move home. Users can filter the results by a number of criteria. For example, house hunters can filter the results by the number of bedrooms and the property price. Unaffordable areas are then shaded out on the map and users can view detailed summaries of the areas where they can afford to live.
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