The Horror Map is a Google Map showing the locations of 500 horror movies from all over the world.
You can use the map to zoom in on your location and find out the horror movies that have been set closest to you. The map sidebar also includes an index of entries on the map. If you select the 'See more mapped locations' link a menu appears which allows you to find out the locations of individual horror movies alphabetically.

If you zoom in on the mosaic map you can view a close-up of any one of the 5,000 movie posters. The map also includes a search function which allows you to search for individual posters by movie name or search for posters by key word.

Transylvania will forever be associated with the ghastly tale of Dracula. If this ESRI map is anything to go by then many other locations around the world may also struggle to shake off their association with the fictional horrors that have taken place there.
The Geography of Horror is a map of the settings of 200 of the top-rated horror films on IMDB. Users can filter the films displayed on the map by the date of release. The posters of the films can be viewed in the map sidebar and if you click on a film's marker on the map you can read a synopsis of its plot.
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