Dublinia is a fantastic way to explore Viking & Medieval Dublin. The site shows how the city grew from a small Viking settlement into a large walled Medieval town.
Dublinia presents an oblique view of the capital, showing how the city developed from 800 AD to 1500 AD. A timeline control allows you to view a series of oblique views of the city for every decade from 800-1500 AD. Select a date from the timeline and the map updates to show you a view of the city for the chosen year.
The map includes a number of map markers which allow you to learn more about a number of Dublin's historical landmarks. If you click on a marker you can watch a video explaining the importance and development of the landmark. Each of the videos includes wonderful animated 3d models and an audio commentary about the chosen landmark's history.
Dublinia also includes a magnifying glass map control, which allows you to view a lens map view of modern Dublin, beneath the historical oblique view of the city.
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