In the 1830's John Tallis published 88 pamphlets entitled 'Tallis's London Street Views'. These guides included a local map and sketched street views of a number of London's main commercial roads. It was, if you will, the Google Maps of Georgian London.
The Museum of London owns a number of these pamphlets and has created an amazing 'Street View' type application that allows you to virtually walk down and around 35 of these 19th Century London Streets. In London Street Views 1840 you can view the Tallis illustrations for each street and compare them to the modern view today as seen in Google's own Street View application.

However you should probably ignore the Google Maps Street View and just open up the 19th Century Tallis Street Views in full-screen mode. You can then pretend to be Jane Austen and twirl 360 degrees around these London streets and take your evening constitutional up down the Georgian London streets.
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