Google Maps satellite imagery seems to have caught the crash of two ferries in Sydney Cove. However, as the Sydney Morning Herald, points out this is just an 'image stitching error', a mistake caused when two satellite images, taken at slightly different times, are joined together.
Don't bother trying to find the image on Google Maps, the smaller vessel has now magically disappeared from view.
Distance From-To

This, rather neat, Google Maps mashup lets you measure the distance between any two points on Earth. You can drag the map markers to any location and, each time you move a marker, the distance is automatically measured.
The distance is shown in both kilometres and miles.
Twitter Travel

Twitter Travel shows the latest Tweets about travel conditions on a Google Map. To add a message to the Twitter Travel map, just tag your tweets '#travel' followed by the location and a description, e.g.
"#travel M25 J11, A lorry has overturned and there are long tailbacks."
You can change the starting location of the map to where you live by adding your town to the end of the URL.
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