Are you a GeoHipster? If so you should be on this map.
The GeoHipster Map shows the locations of the followers of the GeoHipster Twitter account. Because this is a 'GeoHipster' map the exact locations of all GeoHipsters on the map are protected by a random component of a few hundred meters. Of course all followers of GeoHipster who set their location as 'everywhere', 'global', 'earth', 'somewhere', 'worldwide' or 'unclear' are mapped as living on the tropical paradise of Null Island.
GeoHipster is a geo-blog with a special focus on open source and open data. The blog features regular interviews with leading participants in the field of what we used to call 'neo-geography' but I guess are now calling geohipsterism.
I'm not on the map. Not that I care. I'm too cool to be a GeoHipster. I wouldn't want to be on your stupid map even if you asked me. I'm going to create my own GeoHippies Map and I can tell you now for a fact that you won't be on it.
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