The Oregonian has used CartoDB's Torque library to create an animated map of terrorism deaths around the world from 2001-2014. Deaths by Terrorism, 2001-2014 shows worldwide fatal terrorist attacks by month.
There is always the danger with Torque powered animated maps that the data just becomes flashing dots on a map. On its own the animated data over time on this map probably wouldn't reveal much about international terrorism. However the Oregonian has also added a couple of other data layers to the map to provide some much needed context.
The 'Deaths by Country' option adds a choropleth layer to the map, showing the number of terrorism deaths by country around the world. The 'Narrative' option allows you to select each individual terrorist attacks on the map to view a summary about the attack and the original news source for the data.

123 countries around the world are currently involved in territorial disputes. For example, the USA is currently involved in territorial disputes with Cuba, the Bahamas, Haiti, Colombia, Nicaragua, Jamaica, Honduras, the Marshall Islands and Tokelau.
A World of Disputed Territories is an interactive map of all the territories around the world whose ownership is contested by more than one country. By selecting a country on the map you can view all its current territorial disputes and who those disputes are with.
After you select a country on the map all the country's currently disputed territories are colored yellow on the map and all the other countries involved in the dispute(s) are colored blue. Select one of the disputed territories (colored yellow) and you can read a brief report on the nature of the dispute and the countries involved.

Global Migration Data maps migration patterns around the world on a 3D globe. The map shows the number of migrants to and from each country and which countries they traveled to or from. The data comes from the UN Dept of Economic & Social Affairs for the years 1990, 2000, 2010 and 2013.
Global Migration Data is very easy to use. Simply select a country from the drop-down menu. You can then select to view either inbound or outbound migration for your chosen country. The time-line at the bottom of the map allows you to select which year's migration data you wish to visualize on the globe.
The 3D globe shows the spatial patterns of migration, visualizing which countries around the world migrants traveled to or from for your selected country. The dashboard below the map shows the total number of migrants (inbound or outbound depending on your current choice) and the number of countries migrants are from or the number of countries migrants moved to.
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