Graphic designer Kalle Hagman has created a Google Map of his art work. He has replaced the Google Map tiles with a collage of his own graphic designs to create an interactive portfolio.
When the page first loads the map is zoomed in on an image of Kalle's business card. The user can then use the Google Maps navigation tools to zoom in and examine in close up any of Kalle's featured work.
You can use CASA's Image Cutter or the Automatic Tile Cutter to create your own collages with Google Maps. You could also add map markers to a collage. For example Kalle could have included map markers on his collage that when opened included details about the artwork featured.
Could anyone please make a tutorial? Maybe youtube. (even just a quick one!)
I have tried for a week now, at i just can’t figure the whole process out! :)
I have built a web application (www.piritiles.com) which lets you create Google Maps out of your own images to do this very easily. Check it out!
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