This is a great tutorial about how map developers can use JQuery to create custom Google Maps. I particularly like Step 7. of the tutorial which shows you how to replace the default information window in the Google Maps API with a custom information window. There is another tutorial promised that will show how to style the Google Maps components with jQuery UI.
Custom Google Maps Icons
I received an e-mail this week from Nicolas Mollet, who has designed a library of map markers, that anyone can use to replace to normal icons used on Google Maps.

All-in-all there are 55 attractive icons in the library, color-coded by category.
Google Maps .NET Control
This Google Maps .NET Control follows the Google Maps API faithfully and has classes that shadow most of the classes found in Google's underlying API. There is support for custom overlays, custom maps (including WMS maps), custom map controls, KML read/write support geocoding/routing (in areas supported by Google's geocoding service) and much more.
Polymaps Rails Plugin
Polymaps is a Ruby on Rails plugin that will take geocoded data and draw polygons on a Google Map. There is a live example of geocoded data converted to polygons here, Commonwealth Bank. There is also an official github page here.
MapBuzz is a Google Maps creation tool which makes it very easy for anyone to create their own Google Maps mashups. With MapBuzz you can create your own map and share it with the world. It is also possible to explore and rate other people's maps created on MapBuzz.
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